This webpage provides information related to taking electronic devices into the courtroom and available courtroom technologies.
General Information for All Parties
Local Rule 9037-1(b) addresses recording or broadcasting court proceedings and all parties entering the courtroom with any electronic devices are subject to the provisions of this rule.
Parties permitted to use electronic devices in a courtroom must ensure that they do so in a non-disruptive manner including silencing all devices.
The Court does not provide public Wi-Fi.
Information for Attorneys
Attorneys appearing in a case are permitted to bring laptop computers, tablets, and cellular telephones into the courtroom for business use. Attorneys are cautioned to use such devices in a non-disruptive manner.
Information for Members of the Public and the Media
Members of the Public and the media seeking to take electronic devices and photographic equipment into the courtroom for use in court proceedings must contact the presiding judge’s Courtroom Deputy prior to the hearing for permission to use such equipment in the courtroom. Contact information for the Courtroom Deputies is listed below and parties are advised to contact them at least a week prior to the hearing.
Available Courtroom Technologies
The Court offers video and audio-conferencing technology including evidence presentation capabilities in the Boston, Worcester, and Springfield courtrooms. Procedures for use of these technologies may vary among judges. Users are responsible for reviewing this page in its entirety and contacting the presiding judge’s Courtroom Deputy well in advance of the hearing to coordinate use of these technologies and scheduling an appointment to test equipment prior to the hearing.
Video Conferencing System
The courtrooms are equipped with video conferencing systems that allow the Court to hold courtroom proceedings virtually. This technology provides live audio and visual connections for remote participants. The Court has adopted a variety of video conferencing technologies that provide different feature sets. Depending on the technology used, there may be additional tools that enhance the video conferencing experience, such as, content sharing for evidence presentation.
Teleconference Technology
The courtrooms have integrated the telephone system into the courtroom recording system. Parties who may be appearing via this technology must review the best practices guide.
Evidence Presentation Systems
Users wishing to use the Court’s evidence presentation system to display exhibits electronically on the various courtroom displays need to bring a compatible laptop computer and any adapters required to connect to one of the Court’s full height “HDMI-A” cable inputs. HDMI-A cables, see HDMI - Wikipedia, are available at each counsel table and at the podium. Most laptop computers support HDMI connectivity. Apple Computers, iPads, and other IOS devices may, but are not always, compatible with these systems. The Court highly recommends Users with Apple or other IOS devices contact the appropriate Courtroom Deputy at least a week prior to the hearing date to arrange a date and time to test any Apple device to ensure compatibility. Users are advised that it is the User and not the Courtroom Deputy that controls the presentation of evidence during the hearing.
Notwithstanding the type of laptop, Users wishing to use electronic exhibits are strongly encouraged to test their laptop computer on the Court’s system prior to when they plan to present. Please see Courtroom Deputy Information below for more information.
The courtrooms also provide access to a document camera that enables Users to present evidence to be displayed on the various courtroom displays throughout the courtrooms. Evidence in the form of documents, pictures, photo negatives, x-rays, and 3D objects are all viewable using this technology.
Hearing Impaired and Assisted Listening
The courtrooms are equipped with hearing impaired devices. To request the use of these devices, please contact the appropriate Courtroom Deputy.
Courtroom Deputy Information
Users must contact the appropriate Courtroom Deputy at least a week prior to a hearing to coordinate a date and time to test the equipment as the Courtroom Deputy may have limited or no availability immediately prior to the hearing.
Chief Judge Katz | Stephen | (413) 785-6909 |
Judge Panos | Lisa | (508) 770-8927 |
Judge Bostwick | Mary | (617)748-5350 |